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Come and join Derby Music Centre

Updated: Oct 1, 2024

If you play an instrument or you enjoy singing (or even both) and are of school age, then we have a group for you to join. It's the perfect opportunity for you to come and join a music group. We are offering a FREE term to all new members who are currently doing a whole class instrumental programme in their primary school.

We welcome new members at any time throughout the year – all our players and singers were new members once! We have weekly rehearsals during term time at Beaufort Community Primary School in Derby, preparing for a huge variety of concerts, events, national competitions and festivals every year.

Contact us at to arrange a visit to see what we do, or to join our brilliant music-making team. You can also follow us on Facebook: derbymusiccentre


For beginners

Our club level groups are designed to be super fun, even if you can only play a few notes on an instrument. Find out more...

Our Samba Percussion group is a brilliant group for any pupils who would like to play but maybe don't already have lessons or have an instrument. No experience is necessary and we provide the instruments. Find out more...

For those with a little more experience

Our junior groups are for instrumental players who are at the grade 1-3 ability, and our intermediate groups offer more of a challenge for those at grade 4-5 ability. Find out more...

For advanced players

Our senior groups are range of high-level ensembles for advanced instrumental players of grade 6+ ability. Find out more...

For singers

Voices is our choir for any pupils to join. You need no previous experience or lessons, there will be a part for you to sing. Find out more...


For more information

Find out more about groups, including the Derby Music Centre timetable.

Contact us at to arrange a visit to see what we do, or to join our brilliant music-making team.


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