Each year, we like to hear you play on your own, outside your regular Derby Music Centre ensembles. This is the best way for us to share your achievements and progress, and to help us to plan for next year's ensembles. We aim to maintain balance in all the groups, so that there are strong players to support those just coming into the groups, and to ensure all instrumental parts are covered where possible. We also want to make sure that all our players are in the best groups for them to thrive and grow with their music making.

Our Groups has full details of the suggested ability range for each level from beginners, juniors, intermediates and seniors. We don't expect beginners (club players) or juniors to audition, but you can if you would like to. Club and Juniors should talk to their conductor if they would like to be considered to move up an ensemble group next year.
Intermediate and Senior players need to pick a time slot - Mel has the sign up sheets for auditions on 8th June. We would like to hear one piece and a few scales from the appropriate grade level. We will let you know if you are moving up to the next level of ensembles or adding new sessions to your timetable.
On 8th June there will be no Intermediate and Senior rehearsal groups, but all Club and Junior groups will continue as normal including Voices and Samba.