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About Us

Derby Music Centre is a really friendly place where music and friendships both flourish. Without it some pupils struggle to find the motivation to continue through the difficult times on their instruments, or while doing GCSEs and A Levels. 


At Derby Music Centre they blossom and come to love music even more, through the support of playing in groups, creating amazing memories, achieving high-quality music and being part of something extraordinary.​

New Members

We welcome new members at any time throughout the year – all our players and singers were new members once! We have weekly rehearsals during term time at Beaufort Community School in Derby preparing for a huge variety of concerts, events, national competitions and festivals.

Get in touch to arrange a visit to see what we do, or to join our brilliant music-making team.

Our Team

Our Team

Derby Music Centre is made up of Director of Music, Coordinator, Administrator and Conductors, supported by a dedicated group of trustees and parent helpers.

Trustees of Derby Music Centre

David Miles (Chair), Kate Ball, Conor Harron ,Yoon Irons, Sophie Mckenna and Kashmira Subramanian.

Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a trustee in the future, or would like to volunteer with general support including the library, concerts, raffle stalls and front of house

 Where are we based? 

Our main centre is based at

Beaufort Community Primary School, Hampshire Rd, Chaddesden, Derby DE21 6BT 

We also have satellite centres nearby



Download key policies and documents for Derby Music Centre:



Safeguarding Children Policy


Code of Conduct DMC Staff and Volunteers


Engagement for Young People at DMC


Whistleblowing Policy

Risk Assessment for Beaufort School
Complaints Procedure


Financial Contributions

In order to be able to run Derby Music Centre, we ask for contributions from each family towards the running of the groups. These are set out below.

Please note that Derby Music Centre is a non-profit making organisation with charitable status and therefore we have a policy of no refunds.

Club (including Musical Beginnings) £37

Samba £37

Junior £48

Voices £48

Intermediate £69

Senior £80

If adding Samba or Voices as additional ensembles, this is charged at £17 extra per term per pupil.

St George’s String Club £20


Bursary places are available where families pay just 25% of the rates above. We would also invite families who do not fit the bursary criteria (Universal Credit/FSM etc) who are struggling financially to contact us to discuss options for support. 

Please see the Information for New Members letter or email for bank details.

News and Events

All the latest news, events and celebrations from Derby Music Centre

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