Donate to Support
“My son felt so proud to have taken part in the Gala Concert at The Reach, and he couldn’t have done that without the support and positive attitude of the staff and volunteers. I loved the fact that all performers sat in for the whole concert - how inspirational for those younger performers to see the talent of the more experienced ones and how lovely to have the support of the older ones while they performed themselves. Oh, and did I mention an afternoon of top class musical entertainment for the rest of the family - such amazing work by everyone! So thank you DMC for being BRILLIANT!”
Become a patron of Derby Music Centre for as little as £36 per year or £3 per month.
How your money will help
Our patrons support the development of young musicians by providing financial stability
and resources to Derby Music Centre. This enables us to purchase sheet music and
instruments, provide bursaries to students from low-income families, attend a wider range
of performance opportunities and develop new groups to reach even more young people from
across Derby. Derby Music Centre strives to make all ensemble provision accessible for all children and families, and your contribution will help to ensure this continues to be possible.
What you will receive
Names of our generous patrons are listed on our website and in concert programmes,
unless a patron wishes to remain anonymous.
Patrons receive annual newsletters with all the dates of upcoming performances and
events, and details of Derby Music Centre’s activities bringing music education to children
and young people across Derby.
Contact us for help becoming a Derby Music Centre patron
Please fill in this patron sign-up webform or email info@derbymusiccentre.org.uk for a word document. We will send you the bank details to set up a standing order.
If you are able to Giftaid your donation, it’s worth 25% more to us at no cost to you. Please Giftaid if you are able to.
For help or to discuss becoming a patron, including to discuss providing specific sponsorship,
bursaries or awards further please email info@derbymusiccentre.com or visit us at Beaufort Primary School during our term dates.
Donations can be made by clicking on this link
“So happy that my child is involved with DMC, all the ‘staff’ are fantastic & it is a positive
and inclusive environment which rubs off on the musicians”
With thanks to our current Derby Music Centre patrons
Rachel Yancey
Cathy Razzell
Lesley Pearce
Kate Ball
Geoff Ball
And with huge thanks to Derby Midshipmen and Andrew Stanton for their very generous support.
And with thanks to all our patrons who have chosen to remain anonymous. Your generosity ensures that Derby Music Centre can continue to develop our offer of high-quality music education, personal development and performance opportunities to children and young people of all backgrounds from across Derby City and the surrounding area.​​​